
Posts Tagged ‘bridal party’

After our family formals were done by the lagoon, we wandered around Bowness Park and took pictures. Our service ended earlier than I expected and no one needed to have a pee break, so we had about 1/2 hour more time than planned for pictures. The sad thing is that we probably could have enough used more! (Alas, no pictures by the river for us!)

A Story of the Bean’s wonderful Bridal Party:


This is our wonderful bridal party. Aren’t they looking sharp? They are so kind to stand on docks with us.

17303188And hang out in trees while trying not to get their feet stepped on… (*cough* Mr. Bean)

1743327417473299And make lots of silly poses…

182035021Point at things… (This is actually a joke for Mr. Bean and his two best friends. At each of their weddings there is a picture of them all standing on a picnic table pointing at things.)

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Play around with the Groom…

163312711No Comment…

And last but not least:

17373240And… Make about the most awesome jumping picture ever.

Next up: Photos of just us!

As usual, photos by the talented Kathleen Goertzen.

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